Residence Life Staff
Residence Life is responsible for promoting and maintaining an environment where students are free to develop academically and socially. Developing a sense of personal and communal responsibility and respecting the rights of others is also an important part of this program. Residence Life staff members oversee the management of Butler’s residence halls and apartment-style options. These staff members are committed to promoting student development through educational and social programs.
Other Residence Life Staff
Otis Jefferson
Housing Occupancy Coordinator
RAs are Butler students who are available to help you while you are living in the residence hall. One RA lives on each unit. They plan programs and activities, assist in developing a respectful community, serve as a resource for your concerns, and enforce hall policies.
Apartment Resident Assistants (ARAs) are upper division student leaders who live in the Apartment Complexes (Apartment Village, Butler Terrace, and South Campus Apartments) and assist residents. ARAs are responsible for supporting student learning in the apartments, enforcing policy, and providing general support for students living in the apartments.
Faculty In Residence (FIR) are full-time Butler faculty members who live on campus within one of the Residential areas; including Residential College, Irvington House, and Fairview House. These faculty are individuals who are committed to students and the learning experience that takes place outside of the classroom. They plan and implement educational and social initiatives within the halls. They also provide academic support and opportunities within and outside of the Residential areas.
Residential College Faculty-in-Residence
Hilary Madinger—Department of Biology
Oscar Beltran Perez—College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences
Alex Carter—College of Communication
Karina Hamamouche—College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Fairview House Faculty-in-Residence
Catherine Pangan—College of Education
Karina Hamamouche—College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Irvington House Faculty-in-Residence
Bryan Furuness—College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Ann Bilodeau—College of Communication
Residence hall and apartment front desks are open every day and are staffed by student employees. Desk assistants are responsible for logging and distributing packages, managing rental equipment, and connecting students to a RA/ARA in the event of a lockout. Check the front office for specific hours for each hall. All apartment complexes utilize the Apartment Village front desk for services.
ResCo: 317-940-9851
Irvington House: 317-940-9458
Fairview House: 317-940-8618
Apartment Village: 317-940-6024
Residence Life: 317-940-9458